Things to Do Before Moving Out of Your Rental Apartment
  • Things to Do Before Moving Out of Your Rental Apartment

    16 Aug

    Things to Do Before Moving Out of Your Rental Apartment

    Posted By: herlihywp Comments: 0 Categories: Moving Tips

    Moving out of a rental can be a hectic experience. However, you can ensure the change goes smoothly by staying organized and getting ready in advance. Before handing over your keys, here are essential tasks to ensure you leave on a good note.

    Give Proper Notice

    Before you start packing, one of the first things you need to do is notify your landlord. Review your lease to confirm how much notice is required, typically 30 to 60 days. Failure to provide the notice within the stipulated time frame can result in penalties or forfeiture of your security deposit. Draft a formal notice letter and hand it to your landlord once your moving date is confirmed.

    Transfer or Cancel Utilities

    Contact your utility providers to inform them of your move. This includes electric, water, gas, internet, and cable services. Schedule a cut-off date that aligns with your move-out date. If you are moving to a new place where the same providers serve, arrange for a transfer of services. Ensure you pay off any overdue balances to avoid complications.

    Update Address Information

    Updating your address is crucial to ensure you do not miss out on important mail. Fill out a change of address form to notify the postal service of your move. Additionally, inform specific organizations such as your bank, insurance company, subscription services, and healthcare providers of your new address. Don’t forget to update your address for any online shopping accounts to prevent inconvenience.

    Renter’s Insurance

    If you have renter’s insurance, notify your insurer about your move. They will advise on how to either transfer or terminate your policy. If you are moving into another rental, it’s wise to keep your renter’s insurance active or start a new policy to protect yourself against potential losses at your new place.

    Manage Security Deposit

    To get your full security deposit back, you must leave the apartment in pristine condition. Conduct a walk-through to spot and fix any damages, like holes in the walls, broken fixtures, and other visible damage. Clean the apartment thoroughly, including deep cleaning carpets, kitchen appliances, and bathrooms. Submit receipts for any professional cleaning services to your landlord.

    Disconnect and Remove Personal Items

    Remove all personal belongings from the apartment. Go through closets, cabinets, drawers, basements, and attics to ensure you do not leave anything behind. Disconnect and retrieve any personal installations, such as additional lighting, curtain rods, or shelving units. Some leases stipulate that landlords can charge you a disposal fee, so leave nothing behind.

    Perform a Final Walk-Through

    Before handing over the keys, schedule a final walk-through with your landlord or property manager. This will allow both parties to inspect the apartment and discuss any potential issues. Capture images to record the state of the apartment, which may prove valuable in the event of any possible disagreements.

    Return Keys and Provide Contact Information

    Once the walkthrough is complete, return all keys, including duplicates, to your landlord. Provide your forwarding address to ensure any remaining mail or important information can reach you.

    Moving out of a rental apartment involves many steps, but with careful planning, you can ensure a smooth transition. By following these tasks, you’ll leave your rental apartment in good standing and can look forward to settling into your new home without any lingering issues holding you back.

    Ready for a move? Contact us for a free quote.