Essential Tips for Successful Military Family Moves
  • Essential Tips for Successful Military Family Moves

    13 Jul

    Essential Tips for Successful Military Family Moves

    Posted By: herlihywp Comments: 0 Categories: Moving Tips

    The gypsy, roving life is both a downside and an attraction to a military career. Military families can end up relocating their families many times during 20-plus years of military service. Below are five basic moving tips for military movers:

    1. Your “Express Shipment”

    These items will make your transition to the new location easier.

    An “express shipment” is a cache of essential household items that arrive first, usually weeks before your regular shipment at your new duty station. For long-distance moves, your stuff can take as much as eight weeks to arrive, which could be some time after you have actually found a place to live.

    2. Before the Packers Arrive

    Do your own inventory and take photos.

    Before the movers arrive, inventory your furniture and appliances. Pay attention to the general condition of your furniture. Take note of any dings, stains, and marks. If something is in perfect condition, make a note of it.

    3. During the Mover’s Inventory

    Take your time. The inventory is a vital record you may need.

    Accompany the mover taking the inventory. You will receive a copy of what the mover writes down, and your approval of the inventory means that you agree with everything the agent recorded. Double-check your copy of the inventory against your own inventory. Don’t let the rush of moving day cause you to hurry this process.

    4. The Packing/Pre-Shipment Stage

    Guide the movers to pack what you want to be packed. Don’t ship anything you absolutely cannot afford to lose.

    Place the things you want to be packed out in the open. If something is not to be packed or shipped, either put it in storage or place it elsewhere out of the packers’ path. Let them know it is not to be packed. Also, if you absolutely cannot afford to lose the item, do not ship it. Put it in storage or send it by trackable mail.

    So, plan to take your important documents (birth and marriage certificates, for example) with you. If you must ship irreplaceable items (photo albums, etc.), try to include them in your first “express shipment.” Place them in a well-marked box with your name and address clearly marked. Put a business card or a sheet inside the box.

    5. At the New Duty Station

    Here’s where the fun and chaos begin. Take your time.

    When the truck begins unloading, the emotional overload begins, so take a deep breath and enjoy the chaos. If you are a couple, you should both be there when the truck arrives, and the unloading starts. Here’s a quick checklist:

    • Use your written inventory to check off everything.
    • Carefully inspect your stuff for signs of damage and make sure that damage is noted on the delivery forms.
    • Unpack nothing until all the major items have been inventoried and checked. That includes the miscellaneous boxes of utensils and knickknacks.
    • Moving in is a mess that won’t be straightened out for days. Live with it, or be prepared to become exhausted and overloaded. Don’t try to do everything on the first day. Stop unpacking and take a break. Treat yourself to a night out for fast food or pizza.

    Military Move

    Need help with your military move? Contact us today for a free quote. We can help make your move a smooth one.


    Here are 3 informative resources for military moves: